All set for Corporate Masters Matchplay Grand Finale
Written by Dayo radio on December 2, 2023
![Eliakim Maina (left) and Willie Maina during the Corporate Masters Matchplay opener at Thika Greens Golf Resort. [Courtesy]](
Eliakim Maina (left) and Willie Maina during the Corporate Masters Matchplay opener at Thika Greens Golf Resort. [Courtesy]
After three exciting months of golf action, the Corporate Masters Matchplay is reaching its peak in Mombasa this weekend.
The final lap of this series of the tournament will see the top 12 golfers competing at the lush greens of the Mombasa Golf Club.
The 12 players namely Anthony Kago, Cheptoo Mwisunji, Don Tororei, Duncan Mbuthia, Eliakim Maina, Eryq Muriithi, Jabez Ojowa, Julius Wandere, Ken Lucas, Patrick Karanja, Peter Maregwa and Symon Lariak are all anticipating a gruelling round of golf to cap their season with a victory.
The Mombasa course is gearing up for strategic shots, nerve-wracking putts, and a display of true golfing excellence.
Unlike other tournaments, this golfing extravaganza has adopted an innovative and fierce competition format that will see golfers competing in a unique way.
In an unprecedented twist to traditional match play, the Corporate Masters unleashed a different mode in the three-month tourney that featured six groups.
Each group witnessed intense battles, as players showcased their prowess on the course, vying for a coveted spot in the grand finale.
The journey through the groups led to a thrilling bracket final, where the top two players from each group emerged as the “elite 12” who will contend for glory in the finals.
The top two players from each group will vie for the Sh500,000 prize money in this weekend’s finals.
According to Corporate Masters Director of Marketing Martin Kinyua, the carefully crafted format has not only tested the skill and resilience of the participants but has also added an extra layer of anticipation for golf specialists.
“The golfers are looking forward to this tournament because of the excitement witnessed at the group stage. We are expecting to have a good tournament,” said Kinyua.
News Adapted from The Standard.
Commenter 382 On May 21, 2016 at 5:19 pm
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Commenter 383 On May 21, 2016 at 5:19 pm
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Commenter 384 On May 21, 2016 at 5:19 pm
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Commenter 385 On May 21, 2016 at 5:19 pm
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Commenter 386 On May 21, 2016 at 5:19 pm
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Commenter 387 On May 21, 2016 at 5:19 pm
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